Teacher's Training

1. Practice:

a) One year of practice as a student
b) One year of practice as a teacher under supervision of the senior teacher
c) One year of practice as a student simultaneously
d) Attendance for one Teachers Workshop is compulsory
e) Attendance for four Pranayam Theory batches is compulsory
f) Attendance for four Special New teacher’s batches is compulsory
g) Attendance for 4 Orientation Batches is compulsory
h) Attendance for Teachers Batch on every Thursday (6-8pm) is beneficial

2. Theory during the one year practice as a teacher

(Teachers Kit needs to be purchased from the center. It consists of answer papers & guide, 4 reference books, a muscle book, Pranayam book.a) 6 Question papers to be solved
b) One Project on a given Subject

3. A certificate of completing Yog Therapy Course is given at successful completion of training plan.

Teacher's Exams and Workshops

Doctors Lectures for Teacher's

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