Researching the movements of a child in his first year

Studying the similarity to yoga postures during the development of a Child in his first year

The movements of a child in his first year are fascinating to watch. As a yoga practitioner, I was particularly surprised and pleased to note that most of my grandson, Dev’s movements were like yoga postures. They closely resemble the postures that I did and taught to my class of adults! No one teaches babies to move in a certain way. They do so instinctively. It’s all about the muscle strength. As the muscles are strengthened, they can move the part of the body. First Neck movement then back, then they can lift the back and once the leg muscles are strengthened, the baby can stand. The progress of the baby in each successive month since his birth happens naturally. Neither the mother, nor the doctor or any external source tells him which movement to do in which month. As a parent , you have no control on the situation.

But once the child grows up, he needs to relearn the very same postures in Shubh Yoga Kendra and get the muscles strength back.

2. Bhujangasan 2
3. Marjarasan 1
5. Adhomukh Shwanasan
7. Uttanasan
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